Thursday, November 8, 2007

Rob - Pwned

It was a bright and sunny day, no actually it was a freezing, raining, New England fall night, but that's besides the point.

A group of us gathered together to play some custom games, not knowing what we would get into. As I remember, it was xRobxPunk13, XL SARGE LX, Inizuka Kiba, and myself. We decided to have a little fun and play a Mongoose-only no-scope game. Little did we know that this would spell the beginning of Rob's ascension in the 'amazing shots of r3d 4uerb4ch' world. A world currently inhabited by only a few (Interista, The n00b BtrayR, Hitman1516, and especially Rec Gh0stmAn).

We were playing around, trying to get cool no-scopes from the backs of the Mongooses, when all of a sudden, from out of nowhere, Rob lost his head, giving him a rightful place as a member of the above mentioned group.

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